This is Our Mumbai Life

Posted by on December 15, 2008 in India

This is our Mumbai life…

Watching wedding receptions on the roof of the Hindu temple next door.

Witnessing the city-wide goat slaughtering for Eid alAdha.

Finally taking the plunge and wiping our bum with our hand (actually, that was just Kevin).

Stuffing toilet paper in our back pockets at restaurants to take back to our hotel (again, Kevin).

Being ill more often than not.

Hiding in the back of the car while our driver buys stuff for us at “Indian price” instead of “Gori price.”

Seeing little children cry as their homes are being torn down during police slum clearances.

Almost daily, spider-killing sweeps of our apartment.

Having clothing that looks worse when you take it out of the washer than it did when you put it in.

Spending 4 hours in traffic to run ‘light errands.’

Celebrating St. Andrews Day and Christmas in the company of friends after terrorists threaten to take away our freedom and feelings of safety.

This is our Mumbai life.

*Photo by Raj Rana on Unsplash

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